Trading Basics (3-Course Bundle)
The first 3 Options Trading Strategies courses are combined to create this bundle. To master the basics of Options, you really need all three courses. A brief synopsis of the options trading strategies courses are provided below.
Most people learning Options for the first time face too much jargon and complex language. This options trading strategies course use real-world examples (buying a house) to explain how a Call Option (Section 1) works in real life. This example should make it absolutely clear what a Call Option is in step-by-step details.
The Put Option is the ultimate “protector” of your portfolio, and in this course you can learn how Put Options work. It is the exact opposite of a Call Option. Put Options increase in value when the value of a stock or index drops in price. We define what a Put Option, and just like we did in the Call Option, we consider a real-world example of a Put Option.